Thank you for donating!
Expediente Rojo depends on the generous donations from individuals, friends, and partners, such as yourself, to continue educating the public on crime prevention. If you would like to help us make a tax-deductible donation to the Expediente Rojo Project, Inc.
The endless expansion of crime in the United States makes the existence of informative and helpful mechanisms (tools or sources) more crucial in order to counteract these unfortunate social events. These methods can help prevent and prepare society for the lurking dangers to which they are exposed. Founded in 2007, Expediente Rojo Project is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization responsible for the creation of, which provides direct access to imperative information regarding crime prevention, government agencies and allied institutions where an individual can reach out for help.
To continue with our mission, we need your valuable support, your monetary donations can help us to continue informing our communities. Your contribution to Expediente Rojo Project is tax deductible supported by the Department of Internal Revenues (IRS). If you reside abroad and filed taxes in the US and would like to support us, you can be eligible for a tax-deductible receipt.
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Expediente Rojo depende de la generosidad de amigos y socios, como tú, para continuar su tarea de educar al público sobre la prevención del delito. Si deseas hacer una donación a Expediente Rojo Project, Inc. ésta será deducible de impuestos.
La interminable expansión de la delincuencia en Estados Unidos hace cada vez más necesaria la existencia de mecanismos informativos que ayuden a advertir y a prevenir a la sociedad de los peligros que la acechan. Expediente Rojo Project, Inc. es una organización 501(c) (3) sin fines de lucro, responsable de la creación de una puerta de acceso a la información actual, detallada y oportuna para que el público de origen latino recoja de otras experiencias los elementos más indispensables para su protección y la de sus familias.
Para continuar con nuestra misión, necesitamos de tu valiosa ayuda, tus donaciones nos permitirán continuar informando a nuestras comunidades. Tu contribución a Expediente Rojo Project es deducible de impuestos ante el Departamento de Rentas Internas (IRS) de Estados Unidos. Si deseas apoyarnos y resides en el extranjero y presentas impuestos en Estados Unidos, puedes ser elegible para obtener un recibo deducible de impuestos.Expediente Rojo depends on the generous donations from individuals, friends, and partners, such as yourself, to continue educating the public on crime prevention. If you would like to help us make a tax-deductible donation to the Expediente Rojo Project, Inc.
The endless expansion of crime in the United States makes the existence of informative and helpful mechanisms (tools or sources) more crucial in order to counteract these unfortunate social events. These methods can help prevent and prepare society for the lurking dangers to which they are exposed. Founded in 2007, Expediente Rojo Project is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization responsible for the creation of, which provides direct access to imperative information regarding crime prevention, government agencies and allied institutions where an individual can reach out for help.
To continue with our mission, we need your valuable support, your monetary donations can help us to continue informing our communities. Your contribution to Expediente Rojo Project is tax deductible supported by the Department of Internal Revenues (IRS). If you reside abroad and filed taxes in the US and would like to support us, you can be eligible for a tax-deductible receipt.
Para donar usando su tarjeta de crédito…
Haga clic en el botón de abajo para hacer una donación segura, usando nuestra página de donación de PayPal
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